Thursday 18 April 2013

*Favourite Finale* Review: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

So my final review huh?  Lets end this with a bang.  Heres my favourite game of all time, Twilight Princess.

Story & Characters:  This Zelda game features a Link from the small farm town of Ordon, where he rides horses and cattles sheep.  One day, while talking with his friend Llia, an ogre comes, kidnaps Llia, and when Link goes to save her, he gets transported into the Twilight Realm, beocomes a wolf, and is caught by the ogres.  He's put in jail but then released by his new partner Midna, the former Twilight Princess of the twilight realm.  When they escape, Link realizes an evil wizard named Zant has turned much of Hyrule into twilight, and Link has to stop him.  Link purifies areas of twilight, fights different dingeons, and calls on the help of many light spirits to aid him in his quest of stopping Zant and freeing princess Zelda.  Link is actually really likable here, having a great design and a nice voice, and his face gives an aura of calm, but strong.  Zeldas great this time around, actually putting up a fight and not seemingly like a damsel in distress at all.  Midnas fantastic as a partner, with witty humour and helpful advice mixed in with a targic story of a princess cast out of the one world she lives to protect.  There are memorable characters around every single corner, with the rambunctious village kids, bruting Gorons, and wacky store clerks, even working in a very interesting story of the Zora prince getting depressed as he can't live up to his mothers expectations, as she has just passed away.  Even the villains are great, as Zant, first seen to be mysterious and bruting, is revealed to be a complete physco and merely a pawn for Ganondorf to use.  This is by far one of the most memorable Zelda storylines, and I can't picture anything topping it.

Gameplay:  What can I say, but perfect.  Absoutely perfect.  The mechanics of Zelda have been perfected as they've added smooth as hell horse combat, being able to slash while run, and adding tons of different sword moves so combat never feels stale.  Items are all executed very well, and all have there own purpose in combat and puzzle solving.  Wolf controls are also executed extremely well, featuring great mechanics like your wolf senses, digging, and using biting to attack.  Other aspects like swimming, somersaulting, and jumping all remain excellent and smooth.  Overall, since skyward sword has changed the Zelda format to the motion controls and one to one, there may never be a four slash style Zelda game again.  Given this fact, we can thank Twilight Princess for perfecting what the 3D zeldas were made from, and it'll stay as a testament to the greatness that is The Legend of Zelda.

Graphics and Presentation:  Okay, screw everyone who thinks different, this game looks fantastic.  Zelda has never been more realistic, and it's a beautiful but mysterious and dark looking game, featuring tragedy and emotion in the atmosphere and it's characters.  Nothing looks "muddy".  Anyone who says this can stand in the middle of Lake Hylia in daytime.  It is a sight to behold.  Characters are given an intense amount of detail and as a little sidenote, Link's running animation in this game, for some reason, looks awesome. Enemies are very firece and scary looking, especially the twilight demons.  Zant is a great new villian for the franchise, and his gastly mouth and teeth sent chills down my spine.  Hyrule field is grand and invites exploration, with huge fields with the enemy gangs, to the wonderous Lake Hylia, and the Gerudo Desert, filled with secrets and challenge.  A Zelda world has never been so epic and beautiful, and anybody who says different needs to seriously consider what they determine to be a good looking game.

Things I really liked:  Everything.

Things I really hated:  Nothing.

Emotional Connection (One time category):  Christmas 2006.  I was a young boy who was hot off the heels of Windwaker, and looking for my next adventure.  Seeing TP in a magazine entranced me, and when I finally got it for christmas, I literally spent 3 straight days playing the game, with my sister by my side.  Nothing can compare to the feeling and wonder I felt while being sucked into the world of Twilight Princess. The gameplay, story, and graphics all sucked me in and I still haven't gone out.  It gave me a new standard for videogames, and what a true game should look like it.  It initiated me into the world of Zelda and I'm now  a better gamer for it.  Even going back to it now, I still find myself finding something new and having fun just riding around.  There's just something about this game that is just....magic.

Overall Opinion and Rating:  What can I say?  The game is the epitomy of perfection.  The gameplay: perfect.  Story and Characters: perfect.  Graphics and presentation: perfect.  It hits every mark as a bullseye and theres absolutely nothing I can say wrong about Twilight Princess.  When a game has no real flaws, its usually a great game.  When a game has no real flaws, and is a ZELDA GAME, you have yourself the best game of all time.  Zelda Twilight Princess gets a 10/10 and a recommendation of Buy It!

Next Post:  FINAL POST!  Acknowledgments and Final Update

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