Wednesday, 3 April 2013

WOM: Nintendo for E3 2013

So we start off the non-PC reviews with a topic that has been a bit of a big one these days.  Now, the WiiU has launched and has been settling in to the gaming community, but for January and February there was absolutely no games coming out, and seemingly from April to around June, nothing is really coming out for the system.Now this has been causing people to say the usual "OH MEH GERD, DER WII U IS DERMED! PS4 AND OVERPRICED GAMES FTW!"  and it's not fun talking about these people so I'm going to make this as quick as possible.

But to be quite honest, I'm a little dissappointed myself.  I mean, it's true, there were no WiiU games from January to March.  Thats kinda sad.  When everyone else are getting Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite and other AAA games, we arent really getting anything.  Or rather we weren't, as Lego City and Monster Hunter came and sprung some life into the system.  But now we have to wait again, as Nintendo's big guns aren't gunna come out or be heard from until E3 this year.  Since third party developers are scared to develop for WiiU, Nintendo needs these games to attract audiences, push systems and earn developer faith. 

Seriously, this game looks amazing.
But hope is not lost and I'll tell you why.  First off, remember that Nintendo Direct WiiU conference? Yeah, that still happened.  We still have games like Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, and the absolutely PHENOMENAL looking Monolith Soft game.  People seemed to have forgotten these games, but theyre still coming. And when they do, theyll boost sales so high you wont be able to see them. 

Why am i so confident in that?  Its because its already happenned.  monster Hunter 3 Ultimate boosted sales of WiiUs by 150% in NA, and 300% in Europe.  Damn.  For a game that is essentially an expansion to a Wii game from 2010, thats pretty damn good.  If something like that can boost sales, Bayonetta 2 should flock fans of all shapes and sizes.  Nintendo has been pressured to price-cut the system, but Nintendo have stated countless times that GAMES will sell units,not a price drop. Obviously, they are right.

Oh yeah, we still have E3 to talk about.  Well if a Monster Hunter game and Bayonetta 2 will increase sales, how about a new 3D Mario and a Mario Kart? How about a Windwaker HD?  How about Monolith Softs new game? All these have been confirmed for E3 and I'm excited as hell.  These games are gunna bust consumer's wallets and will no doubt rocket WiiU's sales.  A new mario kart alone would help, but the newest 3D Mario for Nintendo's new console?  The last one was frickin Mario Galaxy!  Everyone is excited to see what Nintendo has in store for their 3D plumber.  Lets hope its new and at least somewhat innovative (please?).  And when you consider the fa ct that they have had months with no game releases and pure time to work on games, I think we can expect some very high quality titles, as well as some surprises, coming at E3 this year.

So now we wait.  Right now we may be missing Tomb raider, Bioshock Infinite may slip through our fingers, but do not give up hope.  If Nintendo is best at one thing, it's rising to the challenge to critisism and doubt.  they did it with the Wii, they'll do it now.  I believe, and I will wait.  Viva Nintendo.

Next Post: FIMP: Gurren Lagann

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